Damect Dominguez

June 18, 2024

Functional Pump V2: Days 1 & 2

Day 1: Leg Focus
A. Back Squat
4 x 8 Reps
Warm up to a heavy 8-rep back squat. All 4 sets will be done at the same weight. (Record your max lift as you will need this number for future workouts.)
B. 4 Sets
12 Single Arm Overhead Lunges (per side)
-straight into-
14-12-10-8 Tempo Goblet Squats*
*These goblet squats should be done slow and controlled on the way down and up. Try to increase the weight each set, as the number of reps decrease.
C. Stiff Leg Dual Dumbbell Deadlifts
4 x 8-12 Reps
D. 9-Minute AMRAP
8 Dual Dumbbell Box Step Overs
6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Sit-ups (Right Arm)
24 Russian Kettlebell Swings
6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Sit-ups (Left Arm)
Day 2: Shoulders + Chest Focus
A. Barbell Strict Press
4 x 8 Reps
Warm up to a heavy 8-rep strict press. All 4 sets will be done at the same weight. (Record your max lift as you will need this number for future workouts.)
B. 4 Sets
8 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
-straight into-
8-12 Decline Push-ups*
*These push-ups can be broken up into mutliple sets. However, try to minimize the amount of rest during your breaks as much as possible.
C. 3 Sets
8-12 Leaning Lateral Raises
-straight into-
12-15 Dual Dumbbell Neutral-Grip Front Raises*
*Each rep finishes with both dumbbell/arms in the overhead position.
D. 3 Sets For Time
10 Bodyweight Dips*
8 Dual Dumbbell Hang Snatches + Hold**
*Rings or Bar
**After each snatch, hold the dumbbell in the overhead position for 1-2 seconds.
Functional Pump Volume 2: A Strength + Functional Bodybuilding Program Specifically Designed for the CrossFit Athlete
Functional Pump Volume 2: A Strength + Functional Bodybuilding Program Specifically Designed for the CrossFit Athlete

Functional Pump Volume 2: A Strength + Functional Bodybuilding Program Specifically Designed for the CrossFit Athlete


One more time: if you want to get better as a CrossFit athlete, you have to get stronger! 💪

Functional Pump Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1  left off. This time, we've increased the volume and intensity just a tad! If you've completed volume 1, then this program is the ideal next step.

We've also included a lot more strict gymnastic work (pull-ups, push-ups, no-kip toes-to-bar, and more)

Just like it's predecessor, volume 2 places a great deal of focus on functional bodybuilding. That's right, not only will you become stronger on this program, but you'll also sculpt a more aesthetically impressive and resilient body.

About the Functional Pump Series

These programs includes a ton of squats, presses, and pulling-type movements commonly seen in CrossFit. But, including more functional bodybuilding helps us isolate and build muscles in a way that CrossFit simply cannot.

The primary objective of these programs is to get you stronger. Nonetheless, we will still be doing, on average, between two and three high-intensity and aerobic conditioning workouts per week – just enough to maintain your current level of fitness. Usually, these workouts will have a strength bias and will include accessory exercises for whatever strength was trained that day.

Functional Pump Training Split

Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: Shoulders + Chest
Wednesday: Lower Body (Quad-focused), Back, Strict Gymnastic Work
Friday: Lower Body (Hamstring-focused), Shoulders
Saturday: Back, Arms, Core, Strict Gymnastic Work
+ 2-3 Strength-focused Conditioning Workout Per Week

This is a digital download product.

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