Squat Gainz Bundle: Volume I & II
Get Squat Gainz Volume I & Volume II and save!
Build a solid base with Squat Gainz Volume I then blast through to a new personal best with Squat Gainz Volume II. In total, you'll have 16-weeks of training. The two volumes are very different from each other so don't worry about getting bored or hitting a plateau. Variation, which we've strategically applied to Volumes I and II, is key to maximizing gains and avoiding stagnation.
About Squat Gainz Volume I
This 8-week squat program was designed keeping the prevailing science in mind. As such, intensity, volume and frequency are structured for maximum strength and mass gains. The goal of this program is to help you build mass, strength, and the ability to move heavier loads for multiple reps. Most days you'll have a main lift and 2-3 accessory components. You may run this program alongside a functional fitness or other training programs.
About Squat Gainz Volume II
The feedback to the original Squat Gainz was phenomenal! However, we stepped up the ante with Volume II. This program will have you training 3x a week on most weeks. Heavy on Monday, reps on Wednesday, and speed on Friday — you will be strategically alternating between different variations of the back squat and front squat. After the main lift, you'll perform between 2-4 accessory exercises. And trust us, the accessory work alone is worth a purchase! — abs, hamstrings, quads, lower & upper back. You may run this program alongside a functional fitness or other training programs.
This is a digital download product.