Training Day is the result of over three years of obsessively writing and testing workouts—short and long, light and heavy, high skilled and low skilled, and everything in-between. Each workout is intended to be both fun and effective—and of course, sometimes grueling!
The book is written for box owners and athletes alike. Need a quick workout to do while on vacation? Turn to the bodyweight chapter and find a WOD you can do in your hotel room. Want to program a tough triplet for your class? Training Day’s got a ton of them!
If you’re looking to maximize your gains, Training Day offers instructions on how to program a week, month, or the entire year using the workouts in this book. As a matter of fact, we’ve used these same workouts over the course of several years and seen athletes improve in all aspects of training—stronger, faster, fitter!
The workouts are broken down into eleven different categories, each of which is intended to have a unique physical and mental stimulus.
Don’t leave your fitness to chance! You need proven workouts that test you in every aspect of your fitness. That’s exactly what Training Day delivers.