Functional Pump Volume 2: A Strength + Functional Bodybuilding Program Specifically Designed for the CrossFit Athlete

$40.00 40.00

One more time: if you want to get better as a CrossFit athlete, you have to get stronger! 💪

Functional Pump Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1  left off. This time, we've increased the volume and intensity just a tad! If you've completed volume 1, then this program is the ideal next step.

We've also included a lot more strict gymnastic work (pull-ups, push-ups, no-kip toes-to-bar, and more)

Just like it's predecessor, volume 2 places a great deal of focus on functional bodybuilding. That's right, not only will you become stronger on this program, but you'll also sculpt a more aesthetically impressive and resilient body.

About the Functional Pump Series

These programs includes a ton of squats, presses, and pulling-type movements commonly seen in CrossFit. But, including more functional bodybuilding helps us isolate and build muscles in a way that CrossFit simply cannot.

The primary objective of these programs is to get you stronger. Nonetheless, we will still be doing, on average, between two and three high-intensity and aerobic conditioning workouts per week – just enough to maintain your current level of fitness. Usually, these workouts will have a strength bias and will include accessory exercises for whatever strength was trained that day.

Functional Pump Training Split

Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: Shoulders + Chest
Wednesday: Lower Body (Quad-focused), Back, Strict Gymnastic Work
Friday: Lower Body (Hamstring-focused), Shoulders
Saturday: Back, Arms, Core, Strict Gymnastic Work
+ 2-3 Strength-focused Conditioning Workout Per Week

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Andrea Oggioni
Very complete program

Funny and challenging workout. I raccomand this ebook and the other

Bonifacio Mena
Just what I needed

Amazing program. Everything I’ve neglected over the past few years of CrossFit finally started to catch up with me as of late. I bought this program to fill in those gaps I’ve strayed away from and it’s been a GAME CHANGER. Strength and performance have gone up and I’m excited to finish it out.